It happened a few home games ago. We had a corner, they broke quickly and we had one final defender who was forced to move across to counter the threat; the ball was squared to an unmarked attacker who scored.

Almost the same thing happened today. A set play; we lost the ball; they broke at speed and outnumbered us and only McGregor's knee prevented a goal. Deja Vu.

After this, I checked out our positioning for corners. All their players were in or around their penalty area. We had one lone player around the halfway line and two on either side halfway between him and their penalty area. In theory there was adequate cover. What let us down was that one of those two players was sucked in when we lost the ball and this meant that when they broke on that side, we only had one defender who had to cope with two attackers.

I think Bamba realised what was happening and organised the cover differently later in the game for set pieces.