The last few seasons have been mind numbing to the point that i couldn't even give tickets away and if I'm honest i didn't want to give them to potential new fans cos of they were subjected to that shit they'd probably never ever come to another game.

If I'm sitting there thinking "what the **** am i doing here" then there's no hope for people who get their football fix from watching Messi and Ronaldo.

This season is different though. Whereas in the past few seasons we've relied on Sammy Ameobi to get bums off seats we now have 4 or 5 game changers in our squad. We attack with pace and we have threat from open play for the first time since Dave Jones.

I was great to witness the good feeling at Taffs Well and to feel the buzz for the coming season. Hopefully the absence of any atmosphere in recent years will make it all the more special this season.

I actually care about whether we win or lose again and that is something i missed under Ole and Slade and Trollope.