Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
To paraphrase another comment on here, tan needs to learn that in drawing attention to what happened previously he is also drawing attention to his errors of judgement.

Now we have had the best start ever and a real positive feeling around the club we don't really need him finding his voice again if it's all going to be about the past. We all know money is tight and we seem to be handling transfers better than for a long period.

I am pretty damn tired of hearing Tan go on an on about the past mistakes now TBH.
We are where we are. MM has looong gone.

I have acquaintances / colleagues who I regularly hear bearing grudges - some petty, some less than petty TBH, but that stretch back , sometimes decades.
Moaning about it never fixes these things and all they do is piss others off, look like small minded little knobs, and get themselves further embittered.
Tan's verbal antics seem to remain, but I chose to bite my tongue.