A replay at Field Mill was fair reward for the Stags


C:WindowsTempphp1BCD.tmpThe FA Cup in recent years has become a bind for Cardiff City. Some terrible results, terrible performances and some downright instantly forgettable matches.

Today, against an efficient Mansfield side, will drop into the forgettable category but unfortunately we will have to do it all again.

Memories of a Wembley FA Cup Final just a decade ago, highs of beating Premier League Leaders Leeds in 2002, shocks like the conquering of Man City in the 90's and the cup run of 77 when Spurs were taken down at Ninian Park, seem so far away.

Today's 0-0 draw with Mansfield was a disappointment, especially after seeing quite a strong line up announced. Zohore and Mendez-Laing in attack gave hope that early season form could be repeated but both were below their best. Zohore especially dis-interested.

Lee Tomlin was tricky, Rhys Healey lively and Jazz Richards competitive on his return from injury. Great to see Sean Morrison back in the line up and he did well alongside Bruno Manga.

But overall City were lethargic and lacked creativity against a Mansfield side who went through the motions to deny Cardiff any sort of threat. The closest the home side came to a goal was in injury time when Stag's keeper Conrad Logan stopped an o.g. with an stunning goal line save.

The game could be best remembered for the number of free kicks awared by Lee Probert. Game was ridiculously stop start in fromt of a crowd of less than 7,000 and over 1,000 of those were Mansfield fans.

It could have been worse. Villa lost at home to Peterborough, Coventry beat Stoke and Brentford lost to League 2 side Notts County.

City now have to face a replay at Field Mill in 10 days time but the one positive is that City are in the draw for round 4 on Monday and will be ball no. 22.