I like Rob Phillips, but how is Mickey Thomas employed by the BBC as summariser? He can barely speak clearly and a lot of the time I cannot even understand what he's saying.

Also, on call Rob last Saturday I was appalled at the attitude of Thomas and Ian Walsh over the then potential Giggs appointment. Both of them virtually called anyone who opposed Giggs as idiots who didn't know what they were talking about. Walsh kept pointing out that out of 13 callers only one was opposed to Giggs getting the job. Well Ian Walsh, I suppose it depends who filters out the calls doesn't it? It generally seems to me that a majority were against Giggs getting the Wales job.

Very biased by Thomas and Walsh based on the fact they know him (Giggs). The fact he was the least experienced of all the candidates seemed to be ignored.

It's bad enough seeing Hartson on Match of the Day but we have a closed shop of mates hired by BBC Wales.