.. online booking systems.

In the nature of my job I get upwards of 50 people wanting appointments a week. They come from a Company portal where they register their interest, Facebook, and by phone [from recommendations].

It's quite time consuming trying to get back, give details.,explain criteria, and then fit into diary, and whilst I am probably 'on the road' two and a half days a week, the faffing around with appts. take up two half days.

Ideally I'd like a system where 'prospects' can access my diary, enter their details and book a visit, and also a system that gives alerts to their phone the day before.

I'd happily pay for this service as it would save me a lot of time and hassle, but looking online it seems they're mostly US based and pricey. Also I need to either 'trial' one or speak to someone beforehand.

As usual, this place is utter rubbish for football knowledge but more often than not excellent for un-related wisdom !