Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
Because he might have been mismanaged and/or been in a team full of wankers for all we know. Also, he might have had personal problems such as family matters over the past year.

There are so many variables.

I always look at things from a personal point of view. I don't say this to gain any kind of praise, but I'm a grafter and work as hard as I can. However when my Dad died unexpectedly, my mind was elsewhere and in hindsight, I wasn't up to the job at that time. I never let anyone know how I was feeling of course.

If he was, as you put it.."in a team of wankers", then surely there's more likelihood of him standing out amongst the dross? As for the theory of personal problems - possible, but surely as a professional, you try and put that behind you? Look at Joe Bennett the other night, his father passed away 3 days earlier and yet he went on to have arguably his best game of the season. All the players minds' were distracted the last week with what had happened to Emiliano, but they went on to play well against Arsenal.