Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Etheridge 7 - one brilliant save, but barely tested otherwise.

Peltier 8 - I'm like so many others in wanting a more attacking option at right back, but he is one of the most dependable defenders at the club and that's what our manager wants his full backs to be first and foremost - covered across well to snuff out a dangerous moment early in the match.
Manga 7 - like a few in the team last night, got better as the game went on and made some excellent defensive decisions late on, but distribution not up to his normal standard.
Bamba 8 - I'm only giving him that mark because I reckon a lot of other referees would have sent him off for the fouls he committed after he had been booked. He's a totemic figure at the club though and was a true leader and inspiration last night.
Bennett 8 - considering he has had the death of a parent to cope with as well as the Sala tragedy in the last two matches, he has been marvelous. Looks a good Premier League left back on his best days and this was one of them.
Ralls 8 - has looked at home at this level in his last two matches after a difficult spell which began with his sending off at Spurs. His lack of pace was exposed once or twice, but, overall, he combined good defending with decent passing.
Gunnarsson 7 - grew into the game after a first quarter where he looked out of his depth at times. He maintained his record of having started in every one of our wins this season and I don't think that can be written off as just a coincidence.
Paterson 8 - can't help thinking that he's being selected in this position mainly for his ability to win headers, but he put in a tremendous shift last night and, when given the opportunity, was able to show he is a better passer of the ball than he is given credit for.
Murphy 8 - given the way our manager thinks, I would say his attitude to the defensive side of the game was maybe more important than his attacking qualities. Definitely the best defensive performance I've seen from him and he gave Clyne problems when he ran at him.
Decordova-Reid 9 - not sure I want to see him taking too many more penalties with that technique, but was superb overall last night. We don't have too many players who can change games at this level, but he showed he could be one - tremendous work rate as usual.
Niasse 8 - a little more quality in terms of touch and final ball delivery could have seen us celebrating a 4-0 win, but it was great to see us playing with a "proper" attack leader, very impressed by him in our last two matches.

Subs Hoilett 7 - brought his experience to bear as we ran down the clock.
Zohore 7 - offered more evidence that our striking cupboard may not be as as bare as it looked when news of Sala's disappearance broke, could still be a big player for us this season if he really has got his mojo back.
Bacuna - not on long enough to give him a mark.
Re the reid penalty. Did he take them for Bristol?

Yes I wasn't sure if it was a Peter Thorne technique of waiting for keeper to move? However I'd definitely give the next one to camerasa if possible!