Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
Second election to elect a Prime Minister.

The one before Theresa May was Cameron in 2005!!

They were happy enough with him for over 10 years and he wasn't pushed but went himself.

I'm not a great fan of a second referendum but if it was just to confirm the way we leave I could accept it.

I would not support one if remain was one of the choices

We've done that.
He didn't so much go himself as made a quick exit so not to deal with the incredible mess he had made. Like throwing up all over a friend's living room and making a dash for it rather than owning up.

There is an argument that the first referendum had one side breaking electoral law and our system being open to misinformation spread by foreign countries. If you have any time for that then I'm not sure how you could want a second referendum until that has been properly investigated and any massive holes in the system closed.