Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Anyway, Trump's plan with Johnson is a big part of the de-Globalization process, and UK will be a gateway into and out of the EU market for the US. America also needs the UK as a strong partner in NATO, and on the Security Council, so we do have some bargaining power.

Furthermore, Germany are about to turn on the funny money printing presses, along with possible negative interest rates, so I think it is fair to say that Trump has got the EU and China in a bit of a pickle at the moment, with no more free lunches on the table.

Of course it's not great for the multinational corporations, but it will be good for the US and UK economies.
As Bruce Springsteen sang look after your own, for far too long we have been a giveaway society, lets get the economy going , decent minimum wages, better social care and policing .

If one stays still, sometimes you can catch a cold .