Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
No, this thing of using a serious thing like anti semitism for political point scoring is wrong.
You posted one thing about Nigel Farage and I said I'd look into it, but you can't possibly equate that with voluminous acts and statements over decades by some labour people.

PLEASE don't use such language as labouring hard or people buried in holes on this subject. I just hope it's not Freudian .
Who is "political point scoring"? I'm pointing out the sheer hypocrisy you're showing. When you thought it was Corbyn who made those comments you had an opinion. When you discovered that it was actually Farage who made them, suddenly it's "I think he's actually talking about something else" and "I'll have to look into what he said". It's not as if Farage doesn't have a long, disgusting history of racist behaviour, is it?

As for the "language" that I used. Seriously?! You're pretending to be offended by me using a pun on the name of the party that you so greatly oppose to mock you because there's the most tenuous link ever with the word 'labour' and Jews? You're really trying to divert attention away from your massive balls-up aren't you? (Should I not say "balls-up" as Jews are circumcised and the foreskin is located near the testicles?)

Did you look into Farage's anti-Semitic comments? (Not sure what that would entail). Are the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism wrong about him?