Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
You didn't. It's blatantly clear that the Tories strategy for keeping Labour at arms length is to attack Corbyn. Never before has a political leader been smeared and lied about by the predominantly right wing press. Labour's brand of mild socialism scares the establishment and most wealthy, hence why Corbyn is the source of the attacks. The Tories know that Labour's policies are more popular - they can't attack them on that.

So back to my question. Is this more important than Labour's manifesto?
Yes but Corbyn is a communist. Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Corbyn is the anti Christ and eats babies for tea.
Never before has any U.K. politician been demonised in the way he has. It is disgusting
Sadly too many believe the gutter press and it has badly damaged him.