Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
On my several times per week vox pop jaunts to different Wetherspoon boozers from Barry to Newport through the many Cardiff ones and including those as far north as Brecon I've never known such a level of anti-Labour sentiment. People I've spoken to were scornful of all the parties but almost without exception their ire was greatest for the red team.

It's not as pronounced at the UK-wide online sources I use to gauge sentiment but there has been a similar let's punish Labour attitude.
I have heard the same from traditional Labour voters they either say, hate Corbyn, cant vote Labour , wont be voting at all , they have let us down, all very negative and I'm surrounded by Labour voters in my life and work , or shall we re name them ex Labour voters .

In Wales I would not be shocked if a Brexit MP or two gets in, Liberals see gain seats , and even some Tories having better results than expected.

The north east of England is going to be a bad day for Labour.

They are finished in Scotland.

However they still have the the metropolitan cities I guess where threr is a high ethic and muselin voters like the Peterborough voters . ( i guess anti semitsim doesnt hurt them so in areas those )

Ive been shouted down on this board for suggesting Corbyn or his type of politics is not good for Labour, lets see what the 12th brings instead of launching into the new nasty left tirade and calling moderate socialist Tories.