Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
Im old enough to remember the last time a left wing labour government was in charge. They overspent big time and in 1975 we had to go cap in hand to the IMF for a bailout. The conditions imposed made the current austerity look like a treat. There were cuts everywhere, roads not gritted, bins not emptied, some difficulty in even arranging funerals. Then the miners went on strike and we ended up with a infamous 'three day week' with power cuts and general misery to preserve coal.
I never want to see that sort of thing again in a good country like ours....but it looks as if we might be heading that way.
I’ll forever remember my old man moaning about paying 70/80 % tax around that time. He was a steel engineer in the docks nothing fancy. Said he would never ever vote labour again, and he didn’t.