Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
The orange fruit loops actions might bring an end to a state that clearly breaches human rights breaches recognized by Iranians , international human right activists, historians scholars and writers all around the world .

I'm sure the current protesters in the streets of Iran wont be voting for Trump or singing his name anytime soon ,they just seek a decent life away for a controlled state , anyone with a decent heart and mind woudl recognise and wish for that .

Iran is criticized for restrictions and punishments that follow the Islamic Republic's constitution and law, and for actions by state actors such as the torture, rape, and killing of political prisoners, and the beatings and killings of dissidents and other civilians.

Restrictions and punishments in the Islamic Republic of Iran violates international human rights , it has very include harsh penalties for crimes, punishment of victim less crimes ,such as fornication and homosexuality, execution of offenders under 18 years of age, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press (including the imprisonment of journalists), restrictions on freedom of religion and gender equality in the Islamic Republic's Constitution (especially attacks on members of the Bahá'í religion).

Abuses falling outside of the laws of the Islamic Republic that are condemned by most people , include the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, and the widespread use of torture to extract repudiations by prisoners of their cause and comrades on video for propaganda purposes.[3] Also condemned has been firebombings of newspaper offices and attacks on political protesters by "quasi-official organs of repression," particularly "Hezbollahi," and the murder of dozens of government opponents in the 1990s, allegedly by "rogue elements" of the government.

There has actually been celebration in Syria , Iraq and within the region , to the killing of Qasem Soleimani s Iran regional expansion is not universally liked its like the old days of SAVAK secret police and torture has been reborn In outside Iran.

How anyone cannot see the awful regime that exists , run by a barbaric leaders , is beyond me , they make Trump look sane ,and god that takes some doing
By any standards the Iranian regime scores pretty low when it comes to political freedom and the civil liberties of its citizens. Indeed this is borne out by the annual evaluation done by the US-based organisation Freedom House which classifies Iran as one of the least free countries globally.


Interestingly when you look regionally then it scores higher than most of its neighbours such as Yemen, Bahrain, UAE and of course Saudi Arabia. I recall your reaction to a punishment by the world's policemen for the murder of the US/Saudi journalist recently by a regime considered to have a worse record on human rights and freedoms for its citizens as a little more muted. Something along the lines of:

Do agree, big spying partner in that area as well as trade and oil supply , need to be careful what we wish for .

Presumably based on the conclusion that they may be sons of bitches but their our sons of bitches. So once you strip away the crocodile tears for the plight of the Iranian people you are left with whether the decision to take out Suleimani was forced because of an identified imminent threat or not.

Since Trump's derided 4 embassy justification then the language coming out of the Trump administration is changing. There are reports that it had been sanctioned in principle since June 2019. We have Trump saying now that it didn't matter whether he posed an imminent threat or not and Pompeo briefing that it was part of a wider strategy of deterrent.

If you don't care whether the assassination was worth the escalation of regional tension and the perpetrators have not been able to stick to a straight story in its justification fair enough. Just try not to bleat about the plight of the Iranian people when you seem happy that their next door neighbours have fewer rights and freedoms but its ok because they spy and buy arms and Harrods hampers off us!