Record under Warnock:

P16 W4 D7 L5 - 19 Points (Good enough for 17th currently based on PPG)

Record under Harris:

P16 W8 D6 L2 - 30 Points (Good enough for 2nd based on PPG)

I think it's about time Harris starts to get credit from the stubborn lot on here who haven't really given him a chance since his appointment. Don't get me wrong I know it's not all negative but the poor bloke hasn't had a fair crack of the whip.

- No team have lost fewer during Harris' reign

- A few players shipped out

- Seems to be playing marginally better football and has found the best XI given the squad he was given

- Wins against West Brom, Forest and 3 goal comeback vs Leeds

I'm not saying NH is Clough reincarnated, but it's about time we really get behind Harris, as he has really earned it, let's be fair who would do a better job considering the mess left behind? I can't think of one name.