Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I vote to cancel the future, even if it saves just one life it will be worth it.
I looked at the official stats last week for British deaths with seasonal flu strains during the past five years. They varied from a low 1,400+ in one year to 27K in another for an average over that span of 17K per annum.

I don't doubt that if the measures we have is situ today to battle COVID-19 had been adopted in those years prior then that 17K average would have been considerably lower. I acknowledge the British economy would have become a hollowed out wreck and consequently the vast majority of us would only be able to afford the most basic necessities and that trips to pubs, football matches and much more besides would already be a distant memory but nevertheless worthwhile to save British lives.

The ordinary common cold, another coronavirus, which there remains no vaccine for, can prove deadly for those with advanced COPD and other lung diseases. Now that most citizens accept the principle that people's health outweigh economic concerns then it would criminal should the government lift restrictions before vaccines are available for all coronaviruses.