Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
That is just silly.
Its not the danger to the individual its the effect of catching it and passing it on and it spreading.

What does that mean? Who is the individual and why it is not a danger to him? Is the person catcing it not an individual? Is the person passing it on not an individual? What is the difference between going to work and catching it, passing it on etc and going to the pub and doing it? The only difference is that someone with the need to work and earn money must go to work but if he so chooses he does not 'have' to go to the pub.
When they open pubs its got to be safe not just for those that use them
How would pubs be not safe to people who don't go to them? that defeats me completely. The people who owrk in them and deliver stock to them will be doing what other people are doing every day now, and like the customers they can choose to do it or not. Publicans and their staff need to be allowed to go back to work just like everybody else.
An individual can have the virus, have no symptoms or ill effects. It can still be transmitted. Hence it isn't a danger to some individuals but can well be dangerous to some they encounter.