Taken from the Guardian's rolling coverage just now;-

"Welsh government publishes traffic light system for easing lockdown with 'stay home' in place for another two weeks
Steven Morris

The Welsh government has published its roadmap out of lockdown (pdf), which includes a red, amber and green traffic light system spelling out how restrictions may be lifted.

The first minister Mark Drakeford said the roadmap was part of “a cautious, coherent approach” to easing lockdown, and that for the next two weeks at least its “stay home” message - stricter than England - would remain in place.

He said:

We, like countries across the world, are able to think about how we can move out of the lockdown. But it is essential as we do so that we recognise this is not a short-term crisis. Until there is a vaccine or effective treatments, we will have to live with the disease in our society and try to control its spread and mitigate its effects.

Drakeford said Wales strongly supported a four-nation approach to the lifting of the lockdown but said this had to respect the responsibilities of each government to determine the speed at which it is safe to move.

He added:

For the next two weeks, at least, I urge everyone in Wales to stick to the advice: ‘Stay home, protect our NHS and save lives’.

The traffic light categories take in a wide number of areas of life and activities, including schools, seeing family and friends, getting around, playing sport, work, shopping and practising faith.

The government says Wales may well be on “red” for one type of activity, “amber” for another and still in lockdown for a third.

Under “seeing family and friends”, for example, Wales is still in complete lockdown. The next phase – red – would be seeing one person from outside your household to provide or receive care or support whilst maintaining appropriate physical distancing.

But Wales is already in the red phase for working or running a business – some construction sites are able to re-open under safe working practices. The amber phase for work includes trialling some personal services with appointments, such as hairdressers."