Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I missed the first two Thursday night NHS celebrations (I wasn't aware of it for the first and nodded off in front of the telly for the second!) and have joined in with them all since then, but I can understand where this doctor is coming from;-

I have joined in the Thursday clapping from the start, and last night it was at the same level as 6 weeks ago. I understand the case made by some that it is a sentimental distraction from the real issues in the NHS, and sometimes carried out by people who voted for parties that undermined the health and care services. But I feel that the genuine shared community support for those people and services that have led the fight against Covid 19 is valuable - and I think the clapping has held the government's feet to the fire on all the issues raised in the opinion piece, more than deflected attention.

I'm not sure how or when the clapping will stop. It will fizzle out at some point. But I have a (maybe naive) hope that the country will be a different place when the pandemic has passed - clearly worse economically and with tens of thousands of dead, but also with a clearer focus on mutual support and what is important in life. In our area there are community action groups formed that will not go away when Covid goes, and friendships formed that wouldn't have happened in the 'old normal'.