Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
I couldn’t care a fig about USA, I was talking as you know about the four home nations. As for getting testing kits you’re implying that Roche reneged on a deal. I don’t think so and the company itself said the contract was not finalised.PPE another potential disaster of our own making, and as for pulling rank, are you making this up?

Here we go again blame everyone else but our own shortcomings
I don't make anything up, I followed the news at the time therefore I think you are making it up ?

I mentioned the states within America for a reason as I watched that NYC mayor or whoever he was giving a press conference (they had him on every day - what was that all about ?, little coverage of yellow vests and loads of coverage of some Yank, was he in charge of a state, or a city or a borough ?).
Anyway this guy they used rave about him over here and the one time I seen him for more than a few minutes he was explaining in detail the madness of US states bidding against each other for testing kits/PPE and how the price for stuff as a result of bidding wars went up through the roof and how they had outbidded several states and then lost out to California for the medical supplies (I think that was the case anyway) and he thought the central Government should buy the supplies and then the states buy them for a reasonable price on a basis of need from central Government, next thing I'm reading about our lot doing more or less that, reports about nation's all competing for kits and PPE and supply not meeting demand.

We (Wales) had agreement for loads of kits and PPE when at a late stage it was pirated by the UK Government who was then going to dish it out (obviously most of it was then going to go to England due to Englands size compared to Wales and the other 2 home nation's), clearly originally we was all fending for ourselves and we got in and thought we had secured plenty of medical stuff for our citizens when either the UK Government or the English health authorities realised England had Porthcawl and sabotaged our deal for their benefit, devolved health my hair arse.