Hi fellow Bluebirds,

I'm a regular browser on here most nights although i don't post that much.

For those who are familiar with the Mountain Ash area I was looking for a bit of help and advice please.

My 18 year old son who is currently living with his girlfriend and her parents out Caldicot way is looking to put down a deposit on a house on Thomas Street, Mountain Ash.
His girlfriend starts a midwifery course in September at Pontypridd hospital hence why they are looking to buy out this way.

I don't know the area at all but would appreciate if anyone from this area could let me know what it's like living there?

Personally i think he should hold off for a few months as the economy doesn't look great and hence property prices could crash.
His financial advisor however is telling him now is a good time to buy and the house he's looking at is a really good deal !!
He's pretty sure he is doing the right thing and maybe he should just crack on.

Any advice i can pass onto him would be much appreciated