Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Really ?

What about all the millions socialism killed in the intervening years ?

Whenever it was originally written , it was on plaques and posters all over East Berlin as a prominent feature of their propaganda right up until the people tore them and the wall down. Interesting then that you recommend it as a slogan for the society you'd like to see here.

By the way, why do you need to insult people when you disagree with them ?
I didn't say I recommend the Brecht poem 'as a slogan for the society' I'd like to see here. It doesn't describe a society. I said I believed the poem tells a truth about the communism Brecht was advancing, and that it was and is a powerful piece of writing. I would have described myself as a communist once - but I'm not sure that is my badge any more. I don't belong to a communist organisation - I am a member of a mass social democratic party with mildly reformist policies and a centrist leader. I'm not his greatest fan but we occupy the same tent - whatever ideas and opinions get thrown around in the pub or on football messageboards.

And where is the insult? You came at me with 'Do bear in mind....' and proceeded to misrepresent and mangle the history and the context of what I had quoted. You did that regularly in the past. It seems to be the way you operate - making big confident statements that turn out to be nonsense (inventions or straw man arguments), and hope nobody picks you up on it. So did you feel insulted because I described your claim as nonsense that Brecht was writing in support of the East German regime 17 years before it was created, or was it because I said 'again' in reference to your track record on here? If you want to understand what an insult really is maybe you should look back at some of your own recent posts on here and the way you describe posters with whom you disagree.