Canadian couple

He fancies his wifes younger sister who is 14 , they are at a family party at her parents house

So they drug her and he rapes her whilst she films her sister being assaulted in a room in the house whilst the party goes on downstairs

They take her down to the basement , she vomits , dies and its presumed to be a young girl who has overdosed

The next weekend the wife dresses up in one of her dead sisters dresses to look like a young girl so he can have sex with her

Then they find a young girl who they drug , he anally rapes her and she again films her husband raping a young girl

They rape and kill another young girl

Then he starts belting his wife about

So she goes to the police , hoping she can claim he has put her up to the crimes and she was under his power and was a battered wife

Her husband is arrested and DNA tests show he is responsible for multiple rapes on top of the three killings

Videos of the sexual assaults were found and it was shown she had played an equal part in the crimes and got equal pleasure from the acts

But she had made a deal with the police before talking to them so she only gets 12 years in return for turning over a mass rapist and serial murderer

Kin hell