Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
I don't get these any other time, say I lie down for an extended period and get up for something, I'll be fine.

Caught me off guard for the first time Tuesday so instead of just sitting down like you think you would in that situation I just stumbled about upstairs trying to get myself ready for work.

No alcohol or drugs before anyone pipes up.

Could this be vertigo? Is it worth booking an appointment with the doctor?
It’s the fluid in your ears.

It acts like a spirit level, but sometimes it goes awry.

This is not a joke, I suffer from it.
Try these simple exercises to clear it up.

Sit down, stand up, sit down stand up, repeat about 30 times.

Then turn 180 degrees, then turn the other way again repeat about 20 times

Hopefully the fluid will right itself

This is not a joke, I have to do it myself

It might be on tinternet, but I’m not joking