Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Can I borrow your rose tinted glasses?

I think the division is getting more competitive and teams are more cancelling each other out. 5 in midfield is more common than ever, teams are more organised, having a strike partnership is almost from a bye gone era and we're seeing more players coming down from the Prem. Sides like Newcastle, Bournemouth, Sheffield Utd, Watford, Palace, Brighton, Swansea have enjoyed decent stays in the top flight.

Jones' sides never had a plan B or ever made much consideration for the opposition. Jay Bothroyd once said in a radio interview that they tended not to worry much about what the opposition could do, it was for the opposition to worry about what Cardiff could do. Move on to Malky, who had extensive dossiers on the opposition. He did far more with a poorer squad than Jones did with all of the attacking talent he had. For all of that, Jones could get things spectacularly wrong. Shame, as his side would have done ok in the Prem.
Your dislike of Jones has always been very clear Eric. You're not really suggesting that the quality of this seasons championship is anywhere as near as good as back then are you?