Of course I approve of the statement.

A number of the so-called 'whistleblowers' from Labour HQ have been shown by the internal enquiry and report - now subject to the Martin Forde review - to be sectarians who racially and sexually abused black and women MPs and party workers, slow timed investigations into anti-semitism investigations, and were deliberately doing whatever they could to undermine and embarrass the Corbyn Labour leadership. John Ware's history as a BBC film-maker is clearly from that same camp and with the same motivation.

I don't know what 'legal finding of fact' you are alluding to or what conviction you think Corbyn has received to make any comparison with Ted Bundy appropriate.

To be honest I don't think you care at all about anti-semitism. You have used anti-semitic tropes in your previous posts alongside clear Islamophobic comments that caused you no concern! You seem to be very happy to promote false claims and, as you shamefully demonstrated in your last contribution to this subject, you are willing to label Jewish Israelis who challenge their own government's brutal treatment of Palestinians (also applies to Israeli demonstrators against Netanyahu's corruption) as Nazi propagandists!

You are probably right that the Labour Party harbours some people who hate Jews (as do the other main UK parties) but that does not excuse the sectarian civil war carried out by many party workers under an anti-Corbyn administration (and disciplinary process), the false accusations of anti-semitism that have been made (frequently against Jewish members) alongside justified claims, the sabotage of investigations and disciplinary processes, and now on top of all that the misuse of party funds to pay off people who undermined the 2017 (and probably 2019) election campaigns.

Anti-semites should be thrown out of the Labour Party (and other parties!). That is the right outcome for some of the 500 or so members or supporters that have been identified since 2016. But many of the claims have been false (in many cases subsequently dropped or changed to 'bringing the party into disrepute'). They have been made to suppress criticism of Israel and justice for Palestinians (successfully) and/or to undermine and slander the previous Corbyn leadership (successfully). That is not just bad news for Labour (and great news for right-wing nationalists like you) but it also fatally undermines any action to tackle the real anti-semitism that is part of our political and civic culture.

Corbyn was a poor Labour leader for many reasons - not decisive enough, avoided confrontation, bad at uniting and directing a parliamentary party (better on the stump) - but on this he is right!