Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
You desperately need a new name

I've just come back from town, it was really busy. Loads of places with tables outside filled with people eating and drinking. The new covered areas look great, the yellow lines don't bother me in the slightest being that there's single or double yellow lines on most of the roads in the country so I'm used to seeing them. We grabbed some food from the market and went to sit on the grass in the (free entry) castle. Good times all round
Funnily enough I was just about to post because I've been out for a wander at lunch time today- it is like a different city today! You wouldn't say it was busy, but there were loads of people shopping (there were queues outside many shops), and the outdoor cafes were full. Quite nice really. I probably underestimated the effect of the weather yesterday, but believe me - it was a post-apocalypse ghost town, home only to the bin men, traps and me. It feels far more normal today. And I can see the point in that area on Castle St now that there are actually some people in the town centre to use it. It might actually be quite good, although why they put it there and not along St Mary's st is a bit of a mystery.

The yellow lines look stupid and are pointless. Why bother putting yellow markings all over the pavement to tell me I can walk both ways along it?! I'm not angry about it, it just reminds me of busy work that people in my organisation are sometimes given. Deep down everyone knows that it is a massive waste of time and money, but we all know that councils around the country are doing this because if they don't they will be marching out of step.