Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
The weather hasn't been great this week, although no different to the past couple of weeks when they were busy outside. When I was walking into Park Place from Queen Street on Monday and saw nobody sitting outside I assumed they'd had to close for some reason, but as I passed I saw there were several tables full of people eating inside. There hasn't been a single person sitting outside when I've passed Henry's this week and they've also taken down the parasols that were outside, although all of the seats and tables are still there (or were yesterday).

As regards people being nervous, I went to a pub last Saturday afternoon for the first time since the lockdown - the Pantmawr in Rhiwbina. It was very busy and while the set-up was quite good, it's fair to say that very few people appeared to be carefully observing social distancing. Almost everyone seems to be a bit more respectful of other people's personal space these days, but in and around the pub the situation was definitely more relaxed than I'd expected.

Meanwhile, the buses out of the city centre are definitely getting busier. Twice this week my bus home has been almost bang on the new capacity, which in effect is half full. Compare that to a couple of weeks ago, when it was a surprise if there were more than four or five people onboard. Masks are supposed to be mandatory, but that's not being enforced. The majority are wearing them, but some aren't including a few of the drivers.
In my line of work we've been asked to "soft isolate" - to avoid being inside pubs and restaurants and general indoor gatherings if at all possible for the duration of the job (5 weeks). It's not mandatory but a request with the view of trying to avoid it getting shut down. I wonder if any other industries are asking similar