Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
You'd swear those on here who are anti the Conservative party are constantly making out that people in others parties are perfectly behaved and we rush to the defence of those tiny number of non tory's who do get caught breaking the rules. On the contrary, my experience is that the left wing leaning people are quick to criticise "their own" if they are guilty of any wrongdoing, so pointing out what Corbyn and that SNP MP did does not really work as a way of evening up the score so to speak.

If Corbyn had won the election in December and was currently Prime Minister what he did would be a huge story, but as it is, he's just another bit part player who did wrong - if the authorities decide to take it further, I would have no sympathy for him. As for Margaret Ferrier, that seems a much worse offence to me as she travelled on a train knowing she had tested positive for Covid, I'd say she should give serious consideration to resigning her seat - I'd probably be an SNP voter if I was a Scot, but there's no way I'd vote for her if I lived in her constituency and she had the gall to stand for re election.
She's not the first who has crossed the line Dr Catherine Calderwood ,Scotland's chief medical officer was one as was Professor Neil Ferguson scientific advisor and Stephen Kinnock, plus of course the evil Dominic