Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
I suppose it depends where people want to be. Same thing was said when st marys street was pedestrianised. Greyfriars rd is central for the shops etc. Do you mean connecting bus routes, to the west of the city etc? Don't buses stop in Westgate st? Does the city circle bus still run? Incidentally, we do need a central bus station.
What is the point of a bus station where planned if the buses can't get to it without driving all the way round the outside of the city to get to it?
with regard to the pedestrianising of St Mary St (see what I did there?) at the time that occurred it was against the wishes of the traders, and the night before it was due to be passed the councilor responsible for planning it and pushing it through resigned just before a vote of no confidence in him was taken. That having happened they still proceeded. Totally stupid.
St Mary St now is dead compared to the people who used to visit the shops there 15 years ago. Another bit of the city ruined. And that demise feeds into the demise of Caste/Duke St and the Castle Arcade.