Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
What is another lockdown going to do? Delay things a little maybe. If you are having a lockdown to beat the virus then you stop everybody from going anywhere. But that's not going to happen.

But we have so many mixed messages, inconsistencies and contradictions that people are starting to not really give a shit, and are carrying on regardless.

At some point the country is going to have to decide that we have to learn to live with this and make plans to do so.

The politicians are making decisions on things they know little about. They are not planning for a future, not making common sense decisions that will benefit the majority of the population, not taking into account the increasing number of non covid issues that are happing. Other illnesses going undetected, the mental health of a nation being eroded by scare-mongering statements that are then totally ignored by the people who are supposed to be leading by example. The affect on business and jobs.

They get an idea and then run with it even if it goes against guidelines set by organisations better placed to decide.

There is a catalogue of cock ups this year but still Boris thinks we are leading the world in all we do. And no one is allowed to challenge it.

In the past you would respect your politicians. You'd believe they were trying to do the right thing and make everyones lives better. Now they are being exposed as selfish, incompetent and acting on their own ideas that appeal to the minority rather than the majority.
I'd say that if it is correct that a two or three week lockdown could delay the progress of the virus for four weeks as has been claimed, then it's worth it if it is right that a vaccine is close to being rolled out. Whether this is true or not is hard to be sure about because there have been mixed messages about vaccines in the last month or so, but my attitude has always been lives over business as far as the virus is concerned - throughout history, people have been adaptable and innovative when reacting to changed circumstances in the business world and have a feeling that this will continue in what was being called the new normal a few months back.

That said, I agree about mixed messages - the UK Governments three tier system was supposed to clarify things with easy to understand definitions which would enable people to understand exactly what was expected of them in the area they lived. However, the new system has barely got up and running and already we start hearing about differences within the tier three category between Liverpool and Lancashire - it's hardly worth bothering with if this is going to become the norm, they may as well have just kept the previous system in place.