Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
But also a lot of people will be saved from death; I know which I would prefer
First, I think Drakeford should stop micro-managing the people of Wales. Yes we have a lockdown but to dictate a list of what we can or cannot buy in a supermarket is ridiculous. He talks about being fair to businesses that have closed, but how about him being fair to us for a change. If he wants us to minimise our time outside our homes then a one stop shop is the answer for many. When we are in the store then it makes sense to try and buy all we need be it beer or a new kettle in one visit. He is fast becoming a tin pot dictator in many peoples' eyes.

Secondly, why are we having this lockdown? He says he follows the advice of his technical advisors who say that this lockdown may save as many as 750 lives by March 2021. But to do that did he have to lockdown the whole of Wales where some areas have the lowest incidence of Covid in the UK? And the cost in lost jobs and bust business....who knows?

Finally, what next? He promised he would tell us last Friday on his weekly TV show, but he hasn't. So the world awaits his words before we can move on beyond 9 November.

Do I really live in a democracy in Wales or has it passed me by?