So we have two strands to this thread - not continuing to watch City and moving away from this area.
Even before the pandemic struck, I had decided I wasn't going to renew my ST if Harris was manager. I was bored at matches and simply didn't enjoy the football. It was the Slade era all over again - when I also didn't renew. I just cherry-picked the matches I fancied - usually against the better teams. I think my mindset is different to many on here - I'm a fan of football more than a fan of City. For me, over the last ten years, generally the football at CCS has been watchable.
As regards moving away, its a total non-starter. We moved back to Cardiff when we started a family. We sat down and discussed where we wanted to live - and it could have been anywhere. We chose Cardiff - and it's been great living here.
If folk want to move, I wonder if it's because they are not happy with their life's course and/or where they live. For me, I have several hobbies which I thoroughly enjoy. Researching local and family history. Writing. Playing guitar. Building guitars. Gardening. There's something there for every season and I tend to immerse myself deeply in my hobbies. In short, I love where I live and love how I spend my life. Why would I want the upheaval of a move away?