Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Its all hear for folk to read your petty comments just mask your real problems ,everything you type into this message and thread proves beyond doubt your approach to the whole issue , the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses :
I don't understand how you still can't grasp the situation.

I read the EHRC report and said it was "pretty damning". I'm happy that Starmer suspended Corbyn (and Long-Bailey). For you to continue to pretend that I've said otherwise is, frankly, showing how thick you are. If you could debate properly, I'd happily refrain from pointing that out.

The worst thing about this is that I don't even identify as a Labour supporter - they are just the only party even close to being capable of stopping a Tory Govt.

As for you posting "the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses". I'm sure that they'd be bright enough to see that all of my "silly responses" have been mocking you for your faux outrage. If you want to talk about how the Jewish community may respond to each others' posts about the issue... I wonder how they'd feel about you saying "it's been happening since Billy The Kid" in regards to the murder of 11 Jews at a synagogue by a right-wing terrorist... or when you said "Jewish Americans especially in New York state and the Eastern Seaboard have huge infrastructures , finances and influence" which is one of the biggest anti-Semitic tropes in existence and is incredibly offensive to the Jewish community.

We can go around in circles if you want, but only one of us genuinely cares about this issue - and it isn't you. You don't have a clue about anti-Semitism, you're just regurgitating the same shit to try to prove a point that isn't even clear. We know you will use anything to have a go at Labour and that's fine. But to pretend that you care about racism and bigotry is a joke. You are, in fact, a racist as more than a dozen of your posts have proven over the last few years.

Thank you.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... game, set and match.