How is it the government's fault that socializing with family and friends is not safe? I'll admit that both your government and our outgoing administration has not done the best job. The situation is exacerbated here by the size of the country and the rights of states.

It was obvious that there was going to be a second wave of Covid as soon as the weather changed. Scientists have been warning about it for months. A country as small and densely populated as the UK should be in lockdown. It wouldn't be the best thing for everyone on an individual basis, but it would be best for everyone as a whole. So the government tries to make concessions. Things go wrong. So they change the rules. People shouldn't be going into pubs. A place where strangers congregate and drink intoxicating beverages. But they want to. So the government had to make rules. Pubs were to be closed at 10pm and everyone lost their shit. "It's ridiculous". "What's the difference between 10pm and 12am?" I should imagine there's a pretty significant difference. And I should imagine there is data to back it up.

Your faith in most people is admirable. But don't forget the Welsh government was elected by a majority. The UK government England a depressingly huge one. And don't forget Brexit.

I don't live in Trumpland by the way. And pretty soon no one else will.