Quote Originally Posted by Freitag 4.17 View Post
Yeah it was ridiculous - shame on my mum who got caught up in that and bought a load of commemorative tat. Having said that if any of the current bunch met the same fate, you wouldn't see that kind of outpouring. Save maybe the Queen... Will have to avoid the news for a good few weeks if I'm still around when that happens - It's going to be unbearable.
My father in law had a poster of her up in his house at the time (Free with the Daily Mail) when i asked why he'd put it up, he said, with a tear in his eye ' you wouldn't understand' he even went up to london and threw flowers at the hearse, which was the most amusing aspect of the whole thing as the poor ****er driving the thing couldn't see where he was going. Shame he didn't bump a few of the tards who felt the need to mourn the death of a women who had received a 25 million pound divorce settlement and who hadn't done a tap of work in her whole life.