Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
Pubs in England's tier 1 and 2 areas are open now and people from Wales are free to travel to them.

WG have confirmed there's nothing stopping people from Wales going to Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas in England but Tier 3 is prohibited.

Bristol is Tier 3 but Ross, Hereford, Shrewsbury for example are Tier 2.

So while pubs are dry/shut in Monmouth, the locals are free to go a few miles up the road to Ross and spend their money having a 'substantial meal' there with a few pints.
That will keep the Welsh economy and jobs alive , so all those plans that English/Welsh exiles, students relatives arrange to come to Wales for Xmas will now go in reverse as they plan to go to England , along with the financial benefits those seasonal visitors bring to Wales, all predicated on forecasts of ]2,200 cases ( not deaths ) that is predicted from now until January