Seems the suggestion ade last week for more folk getting the first vaccine , rather than two immediate doses for less people is gathering traction

Following advice by the*Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)*and agreed*by all four UK Chief Medical Officers, Pfizer and UK regulators the Government has agreed to extend timings between the first and second Pfizer vaccinations.*

The urgent priority is to save lives. We need to increase the number of vulnerable people who have received a first vaccination. The data now shows us a very high efficacy rate from just the first dose, which was not known before, and therefore the JCVI* now advises that the first dose should be given to as many eligible people as possible, and that this is more effective that delivering a second dose in a shorter period, and crucially will save significantly more lives.

This is new information and we must act on it as to fail to would be absolutely wrong and cost lives.

The guidance can be found here with the references included: