Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
I see some people are questioning doing the oldies first now. As most are in shielding anyway. Does anyone know the stats of people going into hospital currently and suffering with Covid? They seem to be younger than the first wave, 50’s and 60’s etc...is it this age group clogging up the hospitals? Should they be done first if so?
I know of many people who are too terrified to leave home, have been so for months and put themselves under self imposed house arrest. Maybe, whatever their age, they should be given priority?

I know you should believe all you see on THE WWW, but it seems that over half the population may already have the antibodies. Personally, I've had the virus, as has my wife, both my kids, their spouses and seven grandchildren all at different times. My sons family have had to isolate three times since early December, as members have developed symptoms, and were tested, at different times. Possibly herd immunity has beaten the vaccine.

I'm willing to give my shot up, but if it means we can start going to the pubs and the stadiums again, I'll roll my sleeve up now.