Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I agree completely about Vicki Sparks, I can't listen to her for long, apart from that, the women commentators don't bother me and someone like Alex Scott is a better analyst than most of the men,

As for the men, I've never really got why Martin Tyler is so highly rated, same with Motson - Barry Davies was much better than him. Guy Mowbray's alright and I don't mind Johnathan Pearce when he commentates naturally rather than acting at it like he did in his early days. I think Steve Wilson is the best of the current crop though and although the "part Geordie" sounds like a full Geordie to me, I enjoy listening to John Murray.
Do we really need analysts ? Jamie Carragher, Neville spout on before, during and after every game and it's just jibberish. One of the delights of a wet Saturday afternoon when City were away was to sit in front of Gillette Soccer Saturday and enjoy a few middle aged blokes - just like you'd meet at a game - tutting, shaking their heads, having a laugh, a moan. The last thing I want is some smart-arsed bloke or woman explaining the finer points of kicking a bit of leather and plastic around the pitch..