Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
It's a long way to carry the bricks.

Being serious, shirley it would be a legal nightmare.

Shirley you'd have to have "Public Liability" insurance
Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
Why? I work from home at the moment but don't let the public in.

I can't spell hyperphical, but :------ if you are logged on to work from home and say you go to make a cup of tea and fall down stairs, who is liable ?
You or your firm you are working for.

Your house burns down, from a fire caused by your firms computer, who is liable.

Your children accidentally read confidential information off your firms computer and disclose it. Who is liable

Working from home is not all it made out to be.

Wait till you have a fire or break in, will your HOME insurance cover it, as it;s now a workplace.