
Poor response from the club though -

"Unfortunately, this celebration of the city’s diversity and beauty was not well-received by all. According to Ismail, they were refused the official support of Cardiff City, who told me that they dismissed their project as encouraging ‘reverse racism’ – a damning representation of the normalisation of racism within football, and within the wider society.

Incredibly inspired by this campaign, I spoke further with Yusuf Ismail regarding his inspiration behind this project and their experience with the Cardiff City Football Club.

Prishita: Why was it important for you to have the involvement of the Cardiff City club? Could you tell me more about your experience with them?

Yusuf: I thought it important to involve the Cardiff City Football Club because I felt they could use their platform to reach out to People of Colour in Cardiff. The relationship between the Cardiff BIPoC communities and Cardiff City is non-existent; our hope was to use this project as a real turning point in community relations.

Early on in the project, we were invited by the club for a meeting to discuss our project with their Community Engagement Manager. We showed her some portraits, some campaign imagery and some short films that we had created for the project. Even though she said she loved the work, she seemed confused about the intent behind our project and was worried that if the club was seen to support such a project, it could run the risk of alienating their existing fan base. She stated that it could even be perceived as “reverse racism” if preferential treatment was shown to BIPoC communities – a statement that left us extremely confused and upset that someone would hold such views. It’s attitudes like these that highlight the importance of our work. If anyone feels that making a space more inclusive is a problem, then it’s clear that they are the problem!"