Does anyone know what is going on with the EU as they have now asked India to supply 10m doses of Astrazeneca’s vaccine , the very one they have been very critical off which has and is effecting take up in Europe amongstthe elderly ??

Firstly we got 'Astra vaccine not right for the elderly .

Then they claim its unfair distribution effecting their vaccine program,

We later discover their slow commitment to vaccine funding and late contract setting is now effecting their vaccinations.

Along comes the unfair vaccine roll out , at the same time they are suspening its use in age groups and some countries.

The their own medical agency states its safe to use .

Then some countries say its ow un - safe for under 60's

If its causing blood clots with 22 million vaccinated in UK would we not see problems by now ??

Now with France and Germany approaching third wave and lockdown its now called the British variant . ( I thought Italy was the birth of this virus in Europe )

Now they want to use the Russian sputnik vaccine , is that as safe as Astra vaccine,is it tested ?.

Bewildering events .