Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
I sent an email to the club. If you feel strongly about this I suggest you do the same.

My email..

As a lifelong Cardiff City fan I am absolutely appalled by the negative, incoherent and ultimate lack of engagement and support with Yusuf Ismael and his My City My Shirt campaign.

Like many city fans my family is diverse and Yusuf has created an amazing innovative campaign that links minorities with the club.

To hear the club was unwilling to support Yusuf is quite frankly prehistoric. Furthermore, the excuse the club made to not support Yusuf verges on the ridiculous, pandering to a tiny minority of white nationalists whose attitudes are quite frankly not even welcome at a club.

The vast majority of city fans respect and welcome diversity. The fan base live in a vibrant, tolerant and diverse city - it's a shame that the decision makers at the club do not see this and are living in the past.

Hopefully this was a misstep and an oversight. I would strongly encourage the club to reconsider the lack of support to Yusuf, who represents the best of city fans.
Has anyone who e mailed the club yet had a reply, as opposed to an acknowledgment of receipt? I’ve had neither so far.