Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
Please, let's not do this - it's too depressing. My wife's background in psychiatric and social services means I've got to know of the most horrendous families and the lives of children and adolescents growing up in sexually and physically abusive homes. The home is still one of the unsafest places when it comes to child or domestic abuse. At least one child is killed a week in the UK

And the way the term abject poverty is used feels uncomfortably like referring to the deserving and undeserving poor.

Yes, child poverty is close to home - in Wales and even parts of Cardiff. Wales has the worst child poverty in UK.

Look, I just wanted to point out that there are other sides to all of this disproportionate wealth and privilege and that is irrefutable.

So, with respect, I encourage you to find out more about the issues I'm concerned with and I'll read a bit more about HRH Prince Phillip et al. You can't get fairer than that.
I hope I would never be found guilty of using the term deserving poor! I have direct experience of what I would describe as abject poverty from times spent in Uganda, Malawi and (briefly) in India and also poverty in the UK as a volunteer in a food bank but I agree, let's leave it there, otherwise this could descend into a Dutch auction style discussion.