Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
The whole left and right stance originated in 1789 and is subjective, old, and tedious. Something is either true or false. This can't happen under conservatism or any other political dogma/ideology. That's just logic. That's not a point of view.

What you're doing though is exactly the same thing as you're espousing to ridicule. You're doing it to me in every reply, along with a huge dose of assumption and presumption. The internet's so-called argument of 'it's my point of view' is a tired crutch to lean on. A point of view can be totally incorrect, that's how we've ended up with flat-earthers.

If I wrote 'I believe in a positive theory of human flourishing, based upon an ideal of non-coercive consensus building', you'd be closer to my political philosophy.

Yesterday, at 14:45 I posted Just imagine what life could be like if we rejected the idea of left and right and just worked together to solve problems ....oh! followed by a emoji.

I'll leave it there. Have a fab day!
apropos of your opening line I will assume you're referring to the Estates General and which side you sat on, however party politics predates that, certainly in the UK, by many years. Walpole was a Whig who opposed Tory policies in the first part of the 18th century. However I agree to a certain extent that something is either true or false, but when you're talking politics you are also talking economics, and as a pseudo science, there are many schools of thought, all of which have merit.

re: your second para, I disagree.

re: your third para, I agree.

Your final point is also agreed, but until we remove partisan party politics and engage in consensus politics via PR where all voices are heard, it will not happen. the main parties have too much to lose, though given Labour are sliding backwards, they may agree to PR as it may be the only way to keep the Tories out of power.