Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
Drove home from Poland yesterday, 19.5 hours, 1077 miles, 7 countries, 5 stops, 1 Chunnel. Gonna repeat it all going the other way next month!

Polish motorways the best, German services €0.70 for a dump, more roadworks in Germany than UK, why is fuel 60% more here than in Poland. Some great place names Peter shag en, Wankum. Less than 20 cars on the Chunnel train, though customs in less than 1 minute, it takes 2 hours at Heathrow.

Anyway what have I missed besides the Jacks & Pep both losing?
I used to leave near Wankum. By the way, when you say that you haven't had a struggle with the language do you mean that you have mastered Polish or that you have found English speakers wherever you go? And whereabouts are you in Poland? I've been to Poznan, Kłodzko, Zakopane and Krakow. As soon as things open up I will do a slow road trip (i.e. 10/11/12 days or similar and taking in walks along the route) to Berlin via the Romantische Strasse (Nuremburg, Würzburg and Regensburg) and Leipzig, park up in Berlin, return home for a week or 10 days, fly back to Berlin and meander back via Hanover and a few other locations before my former-hometown on the Dutch border and pop into Gent on the route. Hopefully, taking some footy games in en route. I would also ensure that I only speak German to Germans. I may also have different friends join me on different legs of the route.