Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Nonsense. He was 18 years old and he said some vile things in the public domain. He's representing his country and is now very high profile. What do you expect the ECB should do, just say that he was a daft young adult and that it's all ok now? He surely has to answer to what he said, explain himself and show that he doesn't think like that anymore. If someone of the same age in employment, higher education etc used those words, then they would be up the road, and rightly so. This bloke isn't being singled out, he's being treated the same way any of us would in our job if we used language like that.

I hope that it's all sorted out, that he understands what he did, explains himself and resumes his career, nobody should have to pay forever, that's ridiculous and a huge waste, nobody wins in my opinion. Stop apologising for piss poor behaviour, or maybe behaviour that doesn't particularly bother you.
During the really bad weeks and months of lockdown we had "celebrities" queuing up to apologise for breaking the rules. Occasionally they'd do it more than once - Rita Ora for example - merely apologising for breaking rules or making offensive comments is not always enough.

These days, people who feel it is inexcusable to make the sort of comments Ollie Robinson did are made out to be the villains of the piece because they are considered "woke" - what sort of bizzaro world are we living in where it's the people who find inexcusable comments offensive who are put on the defensive?

Ollie Robinson is an impressive cricketer and I admire the way he has reacted on the pitch under pressure since the news of the tweets he made broke. He will be back for England I'm sure, but, to use the catchall term, he has been guilty of bringing the game into disrepute and should be punished - offering an apology eight or nine years after the event only after what he did has come to light is no defence and if people just thought about that, rather than rushing to make political points , they would see things more clearly,