More pollitics, Drakeford saying something is "Simply untrue" answering a different question. He says that they have never drawn from the UK Buffer stockpile implying Hancock said they had, where in reality Hancock said the buffer is available if it is needed. A different thing.
The reason Wales have vaccinated a greater percentage of people is because they are targeting first vaccinations where England and Scotland are going more for second, and that's the only reason. They haven't manage to make more doses by giving less or conjured up extra doses on their own, it's nonsense. you can only give the number of vaccines you have, the difference is who you give them to.
The other political thing in this article is Mr Drakeford also said he was not prepared to follow England by announcing a date when all freedoms would be restored in Wales.

"I think it's too optimistic to say that vaccination has broken the link between falling ill and hospitalisation with the new Delta variant," he said. It implies he has already made his mind up, so much for someone who says he always follows the science. If the science says open up, does anyone honestly believe he will?
It's not medical, it's political.